Last year, Bishop Parkes, diocesan leadership and a task force of experienced pastors studied how our parishes work together to support our local Church. For more than 20 years, the Annual Pastoral Appeal
(APA), had supported all parts of our diocesan budget: administrative, business, leadership as well as ministry, programs and outreach. Parishes worked to reach their goal, sometimes all year. But if not met, the balance was paid by the parish. The Appeal Task Force recognized how difficult this was for parishes. They also discerned that our people wanted to support the good work of our Catholic Church.
After much prayer, consultation and review, the task force voted unanimously to retire APA, and start over, separating how different areas would be funded. Their innovative plan calls for the leadership of our local Church to be supported by a much smaller assessment of 2%, and the administrative functions such as accounting and human resources to be funded through interest earnings on a responsibly invested trust.
And finally, it invites our parishioners to participate in the new Catholic Ministry Appeal each year to fund what most consider to the traditional ministries and programs of our diocese.
For those who wish to contribute to the Catholic Ministry Appeal:
Your gift to the Catholic Ministry Appeal is needed,
appreciated and well used.
Why Make A Gift?
To demonstrate your spirit of thanks and
gratitude to God for all His many gifts to you.
To give thanks to God for your faith, your
ability, your health, and your family.
To give outward proof of what your Catholic
faith means to you through your example of
personal sacrifice.
To share the spiritual and temporal blessings
that come to those who assist in developing God’s work.