
We often receive suggestions for activities that we should consider adopting in the parish. The suggestions are well-intentioned and a reflection of a sincere interest in expanding the services we offer to the People of God in this parish. No doubt, the experiences of your lives have demonstrated to you that we, as individuals, are limited in the number of activities we can reasonably and effectively engage. So too with a parish.  Each suggestion for something new in the parish requires discernment, discussion, and a decision. That process requires that we: (1) assess the extent to which the proposed activity integrates with our current pastoral activities and theological principles; (2) determine if we have the financial and human resources to carry out the proposed activity well; (3) evaluate the priority of the proposed activity considering other compelling priorities.  This process is conducted through the leadership of the pastor in consultation with the relevant parish staff, parish clergy, and others, which is the normative way of proceeding in a Catholic parish.

Would you like to become more involved and be a bigger part of the Espiritu Santo Community?  Would you like to find ways to grow closer to the Lord and to one another?

This compilation of parish pastoral activities offers you some opportunities to get more involved.  Contact the parish office for more information.