In the gospel stories, Jesus frequently reaches out to the sick to offer physical healing as well as spiritual comfort. His healing became central to the ministry of His apostles when he sent them into the world to anoint the sick, as we see in the Gospel of Mark (6:13.) In the Letter of James 5: 14-15, we see anointing with oil, prayer, and the forgiveness of sins are all part of this healing.
The Catholic Church continues that ministry of healing and comfort through the Sacrament of Anointing by our priests.
When possible, anointing is done in the early stages of serious illness so a person may participate in this sacrament with full conscious faith. Also, anyone who will be admitted to a hospital or who has a major health change may ask to be anointed by a priest after any Mass, or may call the parish office for an appointment.
When you or a loved one is admitted to a health facility, nursing home or hospital, please notify the administration there if you would like to be visited by a priest. We cannot visit anyone without being invited. At Countryside Mease Hospital, notify the chaplain’s office at 727 725-6111 if you wish to be visited.