Altar Servers

Jeff Fitzcharles

Liturgy & Music

The ministry of altar server includes boys and girls in grades 3 and above. These young people assist the priest or deacon in the celebration of the Mass and other special liturgies. Parents should be registered practicing parishioners of Espiritu Santo.

Training Sessions: Usually held each Sept/Oct. for 4 consecutive Sunday afternoons

Volunteer PositionAltar Server
Required of the VolunteerThose who have received First Holy Communion and are in the 3rd grade and above are eligible to become altar servers. Candidates must be able to learn reverence and accept responsibility.
Experience NecessaryNo
Training RequiredFour mandatory workshops held on Sunday afternoons. Training is important even if you have served at another Church.
When is TrainingIn the Fall.
Time CommitmentServe at assigned Mass every 3 weeks, on a rotating basis, and as scheduled for special liturgies. Attendance at an annual meeting is required.
ContactJeff Fitzcharles Church Office, 727.726.8477 ext.1306 or Mr. Michael Ryckman, Coordinator