Mourning any loss is never easy, but there is hope. The Bereavement Ministry is a supportive, caring, and compassionate service for those who are grieving. Support is offered for those who have experienced any type of loss including the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship or divorce, or for the loss of a job, health, a pet, financial stability, or the loss of a sense of identity and purpose. A safe environment is offered where openness, trust, respect, and confidentiality are sacred. This support can be offered one-on-one or in a group setting. Honoring what is comfortable for you is important.

Seasons of Hope, a unique support group for the bereaved, offers six weekly sessions beginning in October and February. This program, rooted in Catholic tradition, conveys God’s consolation through scripture, prayer, reflection, and sharing our faith.
For more information, email Angy Hayes or call the parish office at 727-726-8477 and leave a message for Angy.