Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the clergy in the sacred ministry of giving the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembled community. They welcome each person as a brother or sister in the Lord and make the moment of Communion a faith-filled encounter with the living Christ.

Volunteer Position | Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion |
Requirements | Fully initiated Catholics (Baptized, Confirmed, Eucharist) who should be registered and practicing their faith. |
Training Required | One 3 hour weekend training session for preparation. |
When is Training | Training sessions are held approximately three times a year as needed. Individual training may be arranged, especially for those who have served in another parish. |
Time Commitment | Ministers serve at one of the weekend Masses every 3rd Sunday with the opportunity to serve at weekday Masses and Holy Days Weekday and Holy Day ministers serve as their schedules allow |
Contact | Jeff FitzCharles, Director of Liturgy, 727.726.8477 ext. 1306 or Kathy O’Brien, Scheduling Coordinator for information on training dates |