Our mission is to bring Holy Communion to those who cannot join us at Mass. We extend our love, concern, and support for our fellow faith community members who are sick and homebound in their homes, nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
Volunteer Position | Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound |
Required of the Volunteer | Practicing Catholic, registered parishioner in good standing with the Church; exhibits reverence and devotion to the Eucharist. Must be commissioned by this parish to serve. |
Experience Necessary | No |
Training Requirements | Training, fingerprinting adn Safe Enironment Program for vulnerable adults. All Volunteers are required by the diocese to complete these requirements. We also have an annual meeting for all ministers. |
Time | Varies depending on the number of communicants and the availability of the minister |
Sick and Homebound Mass

Sick and Homebound Mass and a luncheon are held on the second Thursday of each month. Mass starts at 11:00 am in the church for our parishioners who are unable to participate in regular Sunday Mass. This Mass includes the Anointing of the Sick.
Volunteer positions | Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, ministers of hospitality, lectors, sacristans, luncheon hostesses, cooks, and music ministers. |
Required of the Volunteer | Varies depending on volunteer role. See the specific liturgical ministries. |
Experience Necessary | Varies depending on the volunteer role. |
Training Required | Varies depending on the volunteer’s role. See specific liturgical ministries. |
When is Training | Varies depending on the volunteer role. See the specific liturgical ministries. |
Time Commitment | 1-2 hours a month or a year as volunteer’s time and interest allows. |
Contact | Deacon Friscia in Church Office at 727.726.8477 |