Seniors Plus is an organization under the direction of Deacon Dom Friscia for parishioners over the age of 55.
Men and women are invited for spiritual, physical and social well being. We meet every Tuesday at 9:00 am for socializing in the John Bosco Center and 10:00am for meeting with speakers and programs that are upbeat and informative. On the 3rd Tuesday of each month, we have Pot Luck lunch at 11:30 am after our regular meeting. Some of our lunches are planned arounds themes and holiday like Oktoberfest and Thanksgiving.
During June, July and August we meet only on the 3rd Tuesday at 9:30 am for a breakfast Pot Luck and Social.
If you are sitting at home looking for some friends to socialize with, consider the Seniors Plus group. We may have silver hair but we are young at heart.