The Women of Espiritu Santo Council of Catholic Women (WES-CCW) is a group of women who come together to enjoy social activities, to support one another in our spiritual growth, and to assist in service to our parish, our community, the Upper Pinellas Deanery (UPD), and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW.)
WES members provide leadership in welcoming new parishioners, hospitality, parish reception, and in various outreach programs to help local community projects.
Annually, WES sponsors the Back to School Drive, the Giving Tree, Adopt-A-Family and the Toiletry Drive. The Membership Tea and the Fashion Show are highlights of the year, and everyone is invited to attend and participate.
The General WES Meeting is held on the first Thursday of the month in the St. John Bosco Center 9:30 am – 11:15 am following the 8:30 am Mass. Programs include guest speakers and seasonal activities. Refreshments are available.
Women of Espiritu Santo welcome all women of the parish to join. Membership dues are $15.00 per year and payable at any monthly meeting throughout the year.
Please join us and “Get Connected” to our on-line communications!
For more information on any of the WES groups, please contact church office 727-726-8477.